Are You Playing The Game of Life as a Sacrificial Pawn or a Powerful King?


Are You Playing The Game of Life as a Sacrificial Pawn or a Powerful King?


“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.” – Jordan Peterson

Here's How Insecurity May Be Showing Up:

  • Impostor Syndrome: You may feel like you don't deserve your success and that you're just pretending to be successful.

  • Fear of Failure: You might constantly worry about making mistakes or not living up to your own or others' expectations.

  • Comparing Yourself to Others: You may measure your success against others and feel inadequate if you perceive someone else as more successful.

  • Never Feeling Like You're Enough: You might feel like you need to constantly achieve more, never satisfied with your accomplishments.

  • Overlooking Achievements: You may minimize your successes and focus on perceived shortcomings.

  • Pressure to Succeed: You may put immense pressure on yourself to maintain a high level of success, leading to stress and anxiety.

  • Perfectionism: You might strive for perfection and be overly critical of yourself when things aren't flawless.

  • Feeling Isolated: You may believe you have to face challenges alone, not seeking support from others.

  • Fear of Burnout: You might constantly worry about burning out due to the demands of your success.

  • Success at the Expense of Well-being: You may sacrifice personal well-being for professional success, leading to feelings of emptiness or unfulfillment.

Here's How Insecurity May Be Showing Up:

  • Impostor Syndrome: You may feel like you don't deserve your success and that you're just pretending to be successful.

  • Fear of Failure: You might constantly worry about making mistakes or not living up to your own or others' expectations.

  • Comparing Yourself to Others: You may measure your success against others and feel inadequate if you perceive someone else as more successful.

  • Never Feeling Like You're Enough: You might feel like you need to constantly achieve more, never satisfied with your accomplishments.

  • Overlooking Achievements: You may minimize your successes and focus on perceived shortcomings.

  • Pressure to Succeed: You may put immense pressure on yourself to maintain a high level of success, leading to stress and anxiety.

  • Perfectionism: You might strive for perfection and be overly critical of yourself when things aren't flawless.

  • Feeling Isolated: You may believe you have to face challenges alone, not seeking support from others.

  • Fear of Burnout: You might constantly worry about burning out due to the demands of your success.

  • Success at the Expense of Well-being: You may sacrifice personal well-being for professional success, leading to feelings of emptiness or unfulfillment.

Is It Affecting Your Relationship?

  • You're navigating the dating scene, but not attracting the woman you want.

  • Your marriage has lost its flare, and there's no sexual intimacy.

  • You're feeling disrespected, dishonored, and unappreciated for all you do.

  • You're feeling inadequate for failing to meet your partner's expectations.

  • You found the one but you're stressed about the idea of money and marriage.

  • You've been focusing on the money, but you're starting to feel lonely romantically.

  • You're in an unhealthy relationship, consistently feeling unhappy or depressed.

  • You're feeling resentful toward your partner for unmet needs.

  • Your marriage has lost its flare, and there's no sexual intimacy.

  • You're feeling disrespected, dishonored, and unappreciated for all you do.

  • Feeling inadequate for failing to meet your partner's expectations.

  • You're navigating the dating scene, but still attracting all the crazies.

  • You've decided it's best to focus on the money and remain alone.

  • In an unhealthy relationship, consistently feeling unhappy or depressed.

  • Feeling resentful toward your partner for unequal contributions or unmet needs.

More Challenges You May Be Facing...

  • Fear of Vulnerability: Do you fear showing your emotional side or letting your guard down, even in your closest relationships?

  • Time Management: Is your busy schedule leaving little room to nurture a romantic connection?

  • Emotional Disconnect: Some men have difficulty connecting with their partner on an emotional level. This can result in a sense of distance and a lack of intimacy in the relationship.

  • Perfectionism: Do you set impossibly high standards, both for yourself and your partner?

  • Difficulty in Trusting: Is it challenging for you to fully trust others due to past experiences or self-reliance?

  • Communication Barriers: Are you struggling with effective communication, expressing your emotions, and actively listening to your partner, often leading to misunderstandings?

  • Work-Life Balance: Does balancing your career and personal life feel like a constant struggle?

  • Prioritizing Work Over Romance: Do you sometimes prioritize your work over your relationship, inadvertently neglecting your partner's emotional needs?

  • Insecurity: Despite your achievements, do you still feel insecure in your ability to maintain a fulfilling romantic relationship?

  • Lack of Understanding: Do you often feel misunderstood or find it hard to understand the unique needs of a high-value feminine partner?

  • Neglecting Intimacy: Do you struggle to maintain a passionate and fulfilling sexual connection with your wife?

  • Resistance to Change: Are you resistant to making necessary adjustments that have been requested of you for a more emotionally connected and romantic relationship?

  • Lack of Appreciation: Do you feel unappreciated or undervalued in your role as husband and father, leading to resentment and frustration?

If you're a high achiever but still feeling insecure or unfulfilled in Life or Love, it's time to get unlocked.

  • Fear of Vulnerability: Do you fear showing your emotional side or letting your guard down, even in your closest relationships?

  • Time Management: Is your busy schedule leaving little room to nurture a romantic connection?

  • Emotional Disconnect: Some men have difficulty connecting with their partner on an emotional level. This can result in a sense of distance and a lack of intimacy in the relationship.

  • Perfectionism: Do you set impossibly high standards, both for yourself and your partner?

  • Difficulty in Trusting: Is it challenging for you to fully trust others due to past experiences or self-reliance?

  • Communication Barriers: Are you struggling with effective communication, expressing your emotions, and actively listening to your partner, often leading to misunderstandings?

  • Work-Life Balance: Does balancing your career and personal life feel like a constant struggle?

  • Prioritizing Work Over Romance: Do you sometimes prioritize your work over your relationship, inadvertently neglecting your partner's emotional needs?

  • Insecurity: Despite your achievements, do you still feel insecure in your ability to maintain a fulfilling romantic relationship?

  • Lack of Understanding: Do you find it hard to comprehend the unique needs of a high-value feminine partner?

  • Neglecting Intimacy: Do you struggle to maintain a passionate and fulfilling sexual connection with your wife?

  • Resistance to Change: Are you resistant to making necessary adjustments that have been requested of you for a more emotionally connected and romantic relationship?

  • Lack of Appreciation: Do you feel unappreciated or undervalued in your role as husband and father, leading to resentment and frustration?

If you're a high achiever but still feeling insecure or unfulfilled in romance, it's time to unlock your love life.

The Struggle Of Success

You've achieved wealth and success in your professional journey, but a lingering emptiness and a sense of isolation persist. Despite financial triumphs, your romantic relationship feels like a confusing maze of unspoken doubts. The once-strong family connections now seem distant, adding to the feeling of being alone. In the comfort of affluence, a sense of unfulfillment arises, prompting you to question the purpose of your path. It's time to confront the shadows beneath success, address the roots of discontent, and seek genuine fulfillment beyond mere material accomplishments, all while combating the isolating emotions that may surround you.


One-on-One Coaching For Men

Kill self-doubt and the inner nice guy that's holding you back from fulfillment and happiness, so you can become the certain, powerful leader that your woman desires and people respect, at home and in business.

Kill self-doubt and the inner nice guy that's holding you back from fulfillment and happiness, so you can become the certain, powerful leader that your woman desires and people respect, at home and in business.


Co-Ed Group Coaching

A 12-week course led by Trevor and Bridgett for married individuals seeking to strengthen their relationship by understanding and embracing the unique differences between masculine and feminine traits to create greater strength, intimacy, and passion in their marriage.

Hey, I'm Trevor.

I'm a men's coach who helps improve your self-confidence and certainty in life and relationships.

I help men boost self-confidence, embrace their true masculinity, improve communication, grow emotional intelligence, and heal from life's challenges. All to build a fulfilling life with meaningful relationships.

Genuine self-confidence is a key that unlocks the door to results and fulfillment in life and relationships.

When a man gains a deep understanding of himself and recognizes his potential, he equips himself with the tools to effectively face life's challenges and engage emotionally in his relationship, thereby elevating every aspect of his life.

My own life journey has been filled with diverse experiences, from firefighting and raising four children to facing bankruptcy and leading others in the business world. Over the past 30 years, I've encountered both triumphs and hardships, all of which have taught me valuable lessons.

I've grappled with self-doubt, depression, and confusion as a husband, father, and businessman. I've navigated the challenging path of a toxic relationship that ended in divorce, ultimately finding my way to a joyful, passionate, and intimate marriage with a radiant and powerful woman who is not only my lover but also my best friend and business partner.

My life lessons have been hard-earned, and my passion lies in leveraging my experiences to help other men break through areas where they may feel stuck in their life and relationships. My leadership and coaching style is direct, nonjudgmental, and centered on personal growth, mindset shifts, and developing the skills to achieve tangible results.


Founder of The Outlier's Way

Learn More - A Letter From Trevor

Welcome! I'm Trevor Dunbar, and I’m glad you’re here.

If you're ready to have more self-confidence in life and relationships, you're in the right place.

My wife, Bridgett, and I, created The Outlier's Way as a coaching model and lifestyle. We've both navigated some really challenging times in our lives, and we've realized that our experiences, failures, and successes can bring great value to those who are seeking more purpose and power.

For me, I've navigated life’s challenges in pursuit of a purposeful and fulfilling life for decades as a professional firefighter, businessman, husband, and father of four, and I've overcome great opposition in pursuit of purpose.

Bridgett has a powerful story of redemption as well, after a long search for a deeper meaning in life following the death of her stillborn son.All that said, here's what I know to be true if you're a man reading this letter...

Every man wants to feel powerful and confident and experience deeply connected relationships. However, there are a couple of significant challenges successful men face in this pursuit.

One, the level of certainty many men have is tied directly to the success they've created, but there's often a nagging fear inside that they may lose what they have, or may not even feel worthy.

The second challenge is that there’s a spiritual battle and an unseen enemy that seeks to destroy your dreams and success.

Both of these challenges require a radical mindset shift, so you can confidently know who you are and what you're capable of, even if all your external success came crashing down tomorrow.

This soul-level certainty allows you to create and rebuild whatever results you want in life (health, wealth, relationships), when you're no longer driven by fear, insecurity, or comparison to others.

The good news is, you have the power to overcome any obstacle life throws at you when you truly understand who you are and what you’re capable of.

The Outlier's Way programs are designed to help you achieve results beyond what you think is possible (we're talking about purpose, power, self-confidence, and fulfillment, not just money).

The core four daily action plan for your faith, family, fitness, and finances will set you up for exponential growth. In addition, mastering the three key relationships (God, yourself, and others) can bring soul-level certainty that will give you the faith and confidence to boldly create the life you want.

Our highest-level clients have found financial success and are now seeking more life fulfillment, better relationships, and true inner happiness.

Others might be in an earlier phase of their financial journey, and seeking guidance to progress spiritually and financially without compromising their relationships and health.

In our programs, I bring decades of life experience. The goal is to help you navigate obstacles and limiting beliefs while integrating the supernatural power of God into daily living.

For me, the integration of faith is not taken lightly. I’ve come to understand that a genuine relationship with God is paramount through my years of experience navigating trials, taking risks, and learning hard lessons.

Through my experience in a 25-year marriage that didn't stand the test of time, seeing the negative effects on my four adult children, and many ups and downs in business, I've gained insights into what it truly takes to establish a lasting, fulfilling, and connected life.

Today I am doing what I want in life and business, and I have a passionate, on-fire marriage beyond what I thought could have ever been possible

You've likely already got more money than you know what to do with, and if so, you may find yourself frustrated or confused because you got the success you were looking for but still feel empty and unfulfilled.

I get it.

There have been many high points professionally throughout my life, but I wasn't being true to myself, or tapping into the fullness of opportunity available to me to partner with God in creating the life I wanted.

I’ve invested significantly in my personal and spiritual development over the years, learning from some of the greatest minds. What I've discovered is that while money and material success are important, they don't, by themselves, bring happiness.

I'm not easily moved by your money or your success, and neither is God. What moves me is a man with a heart to do something significant in this world. A man who wants to step onto the front lines and fight for the freedom we all deserve, personally, financially, and spiritually.

If you're that man – the man who wants to level up and find a greater purpose and place of contribution in this life, then join my circle and leverage my experience to find the purpose, power, and provision you were created for.

Join The Outlier’s Way and create the life you want.



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If You're Ready To Boost Your Self-Confidence, Live With More Purpose, Feel More Powerful, And Move Your Life From Ordinary To Extraordinary, Book A Call With Me Today.

If You're Ready To Boost Your Self-Confidence Or Change Your Love Life , Book A Call With Me Today.

Embrace the power of your masculinity in a supportive, loving, and passionate relationship. You deserve nothing less.

7 Reasons Why Men Need A Mindset Coach to Conquer Low Self-Esteem, Reclaim Masculinity, and Transform Romantic Relationships

Read the full blog post here.

  • A Results-Driven Mentor Will Help Unlock Your Potential

  • A Healthy Masculine Role Model Will Help You to Overcome 'Nice Guy' Patterns

  • Reclaiming Masculine Power for Respect, Value, and Romance

  • Finding Your Life's Definite Purpose Beyond Money-Driven Pursuits

  • Seeking Relationship Guidance from Those with Strong Relationships

  • Confront Your Issues with Genuine Masculine Accountability

  • Express Your Truth Fearlessly, While Building Meaningful Male Friendships

In your relentless pursuit of success, you might find yourself entangled in the web of uncertainty, grappling with a vague understanding of your true capabilities and purpose. This quiet insecurity not only casts shadows over your faith, family, fitness, and finances but also leaves a negative mark on the lives of your loved ones. Without a firm grasp of your purpose and soul-deep certainty, the negative ramifications echo through various aspects of your life.

In matters of faith, the absence of a genuine connection with a higher power can result in spiritual turmoil. Struggling with mainstream religious practices that may feel inadequate or mediocre, you yearn for a deeper connection with a powerful God to provide guidance and purpose.

Within your family, the impact is profound. Your children experience a father who wrestles with his own insecurities, unsure of his capabilities and purpose. This uncertainty can sow seeds of doubt and confusion within the family dynamic, affecting the emotional well-being and development of the next generation.

Financial stability, a pillar of success, can crumble under the weight of self-doubt. The lack of confidence may hinder decisive actions in business and financial matters, leading to missed opportunities and stunted growth.

In matters of fitness and health, the neglect stemming from a lack of self-assurance can manifest physically. The toll of stress and anxiety may take a detrimental toll on overall well-being, leading to compromised health and vitality.

Happiness, the ultimate pursuit, often eludes those grappling with insecurities. The void created by the absence of soul-level certainty and a deeper purpose casts a long shadow over personal joy and fulfillment.

Yet, in the face of these challenges, the promise of transformation is available to you. A knowledgeable and compassionate coach, armed with a proven coaching model, can guide you toward a profound understanding of yourself.

This journey, grounded in a genuine connection with a powerful God beyond conventional practices, offers the potential to alleviate the pain points in faith, family, fitness, and finances. The ripple effects extend beyond your personal growth, influencing the lives of your children, the prosperity of your businesses, and the overall health and happiness of your existence.

Trevor Dunbar

About Me

I'm an author, speaker, investor, and dedicated husband and father. I value building a successful life, leaving a lasting legacy, and helping others do the same.

As a retired firefighter and businessman with decades of experience in leadership roles, I inspire others to reach their peak potential.

I enjoy guiding men toward a genuine connection with God to boost their self-confidence. I help them remember who they are and what they’re capable of in their health, wealth, and relationships.




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Achieve personal mastery in your health, wealth & relationships with the

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A Practical Guide To Winning The War Within Yourself For A Lifetime



Are You a Kingdom Outlier?


A kingdom outlier is someone who challenges the religious and social norms of their time, much like Jesus did during his ministry.

Jesus often went against the established religious authorities of his day, advocating for love, compassion, and inclusion over strict adherence to laws and traditions.

He associated with outcasts, challenged oppressive systems, and taught radical ideas about forgiveness and humility.

A kingdom outlier is someone who follows in the footsteps of Jesus by challenging the status quo and promoting values that go against the mainstream.

A kingdom outlier, deeply rooted in the principles of God's kingdom, operates as a transformative force in the world, embodying the essence of Jesus's teachings and the lives of biblical figures like John the Baptist, King David, Abraham, Enoch, Elijah, Noah, Paul, and others.

A kingdom outlier not only challenges societal norms but also manifests the power of God's kingdom in every aspect of their existence, leading to true freedom and abundant life.

A kingdom outlier recognizes that their ultimate allegiance is to the kingdom of God, and their primary goal is to glorify Him in all they do.

They operate with a spirit of humility, recognizing their dependence on God's grace and guidance in fulfilling their kingdom mandate.

By embodying the principles of God's kingdom and walking in the power of His Spirit, they become beacons of light in a world longing for hope and transformation.


A kingdom outlier understands their identity as a child of God without religious influence or constraints. Like John the Baptist, they boldly proclaim their purpose and calling, unshaken by the opinions of others. Their identity is firmly rooted in Christ, providing a rock-solid foundation amidst life's uncertainties.

A kingdom outlier walks in unwavering faith, trusting in the promises of God even when faced with daunting challenges. They exhibit a steady confidence in God's faithfulness and this certainty empowers them to navigate life's complexities with courage and conviction.


A kingdom outlier recognizes that their own health, physical fitness, and mental well-being are essential components of their ability to fulfill their kingdom mandate effectively.

A kingdom outlier operates in the authority of Christ to bring healing and wholeness to the sick and afflicted.

They understand that physical healing is intricately linked to spiritual well-being and demonstrate compassion and empathy in influencing those in need.


A kingdom outlier doesn't see wealth solely as material abundance but as a tool to advance God's kingdom agenda.

They steward their resources with wisdom and generosity, using their financial blessings to bless others and support kingdom initiatives.

Their pursuit of wealth is guided by the understanding that God has given them the power to create wealth, allowing them to expand, grow, and add value both in this life and for eternity.


A kingdom outlier prioritizes communion with God above all else. They view marriage as a sacred covenant ordained by God.

By honoring their spouse and prioritizing their well-being, they create a harmonious and supportive environment where both partners can flourish spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

They prioritize quality time spent with their children, engaging in meaningful conversations and spiritual practices that strengthen bonds and create a sense of security and belonging.

By prioritizing their role as spiritual leaders and mentors in their children's lives, they lay a foundation for future generations to continue the legacy of faith and Kingdom living.

Notable kingdom outliers

Abraham: Often referred to as the father of faith, Abraham demonstrated unwavering trust in God's promises, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. His faithfulness led to the fulfillment of God's covenant and the birth of nations. Abraham's wealth and prosperity were evident as he was blessed by God and became exceedingly wealthy in livestock, silver, and gold.

David: King David exemplified a heart fully devoted to God, characterized by profound faith and trust. Despite facing numerous challenges and enemies, David remained confident in God's deliverance and provision. His intimate relationship with God is reflected in the Psalms, where he pours out his heart in praise, lament, and petition. David's reign was marked by military victories, political success, and the establishment of Jerusalem as the capital city, reflecting God's favor and blessing.

Daniel: Daniel's unwavering faith and commitment to God set him apart as a kingdom outlier in the midst of a pagan empire. Despite facing persecution and opposition, Daniel remained steadfast in his devotion to God, refusing to compromise his principles. His trust in God's protection and provision was evident throughout his life, including his miraculous deliverance from the lion's den and his interpretation of dreams and visions.

Joseph: Despite experiencing betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment, Joseph remained faithful to God and maintained a deep relationship with Him. His unwavering trust in God's providence enabled him to interpret dreams, rise to prominence in Egypt, and ultimately save his family and the nation of Egypt from famine. Joseph's story illustrates the transformative power of faith and the faithfulness of God in the midst of adversity.

Paul: The apostle Paul exemplified radical faith and commitment to the gospel, enduring persecution, hardship, and imprisonment for the sake of Christ. His unwavering confidence in God's power and provision empowered him to spread the message of salvation to the Gentiles and establish numerous communities throughout the Roman Empire. Despite facing adversity, Paul remained steadfast in his conviction that nothing could separate him from the love of God.



Coaching, Consulting & Mentorship

Consulting & Mentorship





Our proprietary frameworks help individuals achieve breakthroughs, find clarity, and develop self-confidence in their identity, health, wealth, and relationships to produce positive personal and professional results.

BREAKTHROUGH BLUEPRINT™ was born from my wife Bridgett’s 10+ years as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, my 25 years in business and leadership, and the many coaching, mentoring, and training programs we have both invested in, plus decades of our own personal and spiritual transformation.

Whether the primary struggle is a lack of focus and productivity at work, low sales conversions, leadership challenges, poor fitness, negative self-talk, or broken relationships, each person begins their discovery with BREAKTHROUGH BLUEPRINT™ by addressing their unique pain point as the first step.

The framework is designed to address personal development holistically, as each area of our lives affects every other area. By resolving the immediate pain point or problem, our framework helps create consistent positive results in identity, health, wealth, and relationships.

ABLENOMICS™, literally translated as the "LAW OF ABILITY," is a financial freedom framework that teaches people how to shift from a consumer mindset to an investor mindset, increasing resourcefulness and the ability to create wealth.

If you want better results in life, I can help. I also offer corporate training to introduce these concepts to your team, boosting productivity and bottom-line results in your business.

Schedule a call and let's talk.

7 Reasons Why Men Need A Mentor to Conquer Low Self-Esteem, Reclaim Masculinity, and Transform Romantic Relationships

The Outlier's Way

Hey! We are Trevor and Bridgett Dunbar, the founders of The Outlier's Way. We equip outliers to find true freedom, make more money, and have more influence.

We create resources that help people build successful lives and leave lasting legacies. Our highest goal is to help you become the best version of yourself and create the powerful life you deserve, beyond the limitations of institutions, dogmas, and mainstream thinking.

Check out our site at the link below to learn more.

Trevor Dunbar
Trevor Dunbar

The Outlier's Way

Hey! We are Trevor and Bridgett Dunbar, the founders of The Outlier's Way. We equip outliers to find true freedom, make more money, and have more influence.

We create resources that help people build successful lives and leave lasting legacies. Our highest goal is to help you become the best version of yourself and create the powerful life you deserve, beyond the limitations of institutions, dogmas, and mainstream thinking.

Check out our site at the link below to learn more.


Hey! We're Trevor and Bridgett Dunbar, from Austin, Texas. We're passionate about building a successful life and leaving a lasting legacy, and helping others do the same.

My wife, Bridgett, is a highly skilled counselor and breakthrough strategist. She uses her experience and intuitive gifting to help individuals quickly gain clarity personally and professionally, find inner healing, and experience large amounts of lasting transformation.

Schedule a call with me or check out Bridgett's website to learn more about working with her. We both look forward to getting to know you better.

Trevor Dunbar


Trevor Dunbar

Hey! We're Trevor and Bridgett Dunbar, from Austin, Texas. We're passionate about building a successful life and leaving a lasting legacy, and helping others do the same.

As business owners and investors our services and resources are intended to provide tangible value while building a lasting relationship.

My wife, Bridgett, is a highly skilled prophetic breakthrough strategist and uses her experience and gifting to help individuals quickly gain clarity personally and professionally, find inner healing, and experience a large amount of change in a short period of time leading to positive bottom-line results.

Schedule a call with me or check out Bridgett's website to learn more about working with her. We both look forward to getting to know you better.

I believe every person with ambition and a dream should write their own mission statement to get clear about what they want to create in their life and how they will conduct themselves in the process.

I hope this inspires you to write your personal mission statement based on your values and dreams and that you commit to seeing it fulfilled.

Sometimes it's nice to simply review what you've already learned. In this book I bullet-point key lessons from 18 of the most impactful leadership, business, and relationship books and I included a link to each book if you want to read the entire thing.

Books like Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, $100M Leads, How To Win Friends and Influence People, If How To's Were Enough We'd All Be Skinny, Rich, and Happy, The Greatest Salesman in the World, and many more...



Adam Schindler, GA

Business, faith, family, technology, all things in my life that can use a fresh infusion of creativity and energy were touched and stirred up to become stronger and more fruitful. I highly recommend Trevor Dunbar as a coach and leader, I trust him as a brother and kingdom man.


Chad Jeffers, TN

Within seconds of meeting Trevor… his bold, honest, straightforward personality stands tall and you know that he means business. He’s definitely a person that everyone needs in their life.


Tom Hoffrage, PA

Trevor is the real deal. Honest, passionate, genuine, humble, intentional. His ability to see things in other people, things they can’t see yet, is a true gift. His love of God and pursuit of the Kingdom is unmatched. He is someone I definitely want in my corner.

Greg Swafford - TN

Terry Sacka - MT

Jeremy Myers - MT

James Oh - NY

John Manuel - MT

Lilly & Cole Loeffler - MT

Paul Berens - CO



Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature.

© Copyright 2024. Trevor Dunbar. All Rights Reserved.